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Heartland Lafayette Plant hiring information
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“Heartland Automotive has become a significant piece of the Lafayette economic landscape. As a Tier 1 supplier to S.I.A. and a major employer for Lafayette, Heartland Automotive continues its important role in making Lafayette a great place to live and work. They are continually meeting the demands of their industry with upgrades to equipment, technology, hiring new employees, facilitating training and being a part of Lafayette’s effort to improve the quality of life for all of our citizens through community outreach and investments in quality of life initiatives. The City of Lafayette, Indiana appreciates Heartland Automotive’s commitment to their employees, the community, and helping us build a strong future.”

Heartland Automotive
Greencastle Plant
300 South Warren Drive, Greencastle, IN 46135
Phone(765) 653-4263 Fax(765) 653-6455
View MapHeartland Automotive
Lafayette Plant
3700 David Howarth Drive, Lafayette, IN 47909
Phone(765) 446-2311 Fax(765)-449-8467
View Map